Monday 9 February 2009

opening sequence

Our opening sequence will start with a long shot of the two main characters running out of a shop (probably the corner shop in Newmarket), this will be a long shot with the two characters running towards the camera then it will go to a tracking shot following them running, after it will probably switch to a long/match on action shot of one of them falling over and a close up of a reaction such as a smile etc. The next part we will record will be the quick shots over the voice over of one of us stealing, taking drugs and fighting so a quick medium shot of putting something in my coat and then a close up shot from under a glass table snorting a line of sherbet. The fighting short shot will be a sped up shot of a quick punch or headbutt. the next scene will be based in one of our houses probably a summerhouse and the state of the summerhouse will be very untidy and in a bad state with a few of us sitting round taking drugs and will still have a voice over at points with the music playing showing the amount that we do and to show how our lives are fading away then one point the music stops and a close up of one of us about to take a line but stays still staring until he throws it away and leaves then the title comes up.



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